
新闻动态 · 2001-05-26



5月26日,应北京大学中国经济研究中心邀请,著名经济学家杰佛里·萨克斯教授来到北大为同学们作了一场题为:技术变迁与国际竞争力(Technological Change and International Competivtivness)的精彩讲座。讲座尚未开始,300人的教室已经挤满了人。就在大家翘首以盼的时候,杰佛里·萨克斯教授在北京大学常务副校长闵维方教授,北京大学中国经济研究中心主任林毅夫教授,中心常务副主任海闻教授的陪伴下走入会场,会场顿时沸腾起来。

















Technology change and international competition Jeffrey D. Sachs Outlines: " I always asked myself why some regions in the world are so rich and some other areas are so poor? How can the poor countries have the chance to develop? This is also what I want to discuss tonight," said Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

There were two most important issues of his speech tonight. 1. Geographical differences between countries and their comparative advantages. Why countries in some tropical areas are so poor? Basically there are two biological reasons:

1.the spreading of diseases in tropical areas is quicker than that of temperate areas, such as malaria and other illness.

2.The productivity of food. In the tropical areas the crops are more productive than that in the temperate regions. Because the per capita productivity of the land is so high that farmers in these places feel unwilling to move to large well- functioning cities where technological changes usually take place..So geographical differences can affect the development of a country.

Technological diffusion and innovation Comparing with most of the developed countries the poor countries usually devoted small cent of their GNP to R&D. For instance the US invested 2.6% and Japan 2.8% of their GNP to R&D while China only gives 0.6% of the GNP to innovation and technological research.

Innovation characteristics:

1) Innovation requires major scientific establishment so a country must pay great attention to higher education and basic scientific research.

2) Since ideas create new ideas, universities can play a very important role to congregate a lot of scientists to generate new ideas. A good chain reaction will occur and the marginal revenue will increase by degrees.

3) Innovation is also connected with the scope of the market. Innovation cost is very high, tiny markets can not compensate for the great expenditure. So countries should emphasize exporting to enlarge the market. Large market justifies the innovation cost.

4).New ideas are always revolutionary and selective. One has to face failures before success.

After Professor Jeffrey Sachs'''' speech Professor Justin Yifu Lin raised some profound questions.

